Amazing Products
Here at EtherTek Circuits, we have been developing and manufacturing remote monitoring and control solutions for various applications since 2001. Our remote monitoring systems are ultra low in power consumption and are designed to be powered by 12, 24, or 48 volt battery banks that are charged by solar, and wind.
No matter how far or remote your site's location may be, as long as there is internet connectivity, you're good to go with EtherTek Circuits remote voltage monitoring and remote control systems!

Intelligence and Control
Get the situational awareness you need! Imagine the many advantages of having these features at your finger tips.
Monitor your battery voltage over the internet using isolated voltmeters. Control generators, pumps, lights, turn devices on or off. Measurement of battery voltage and charging. Amperage measurement through a shunt. Measurement of wind turbine and solar panel output. Detection of A/C power, presence or absence. Door and window contact monitoring. Fuel tank level monitoring. Email and SMS Alerts.
Custom Services
Custom Software Development: Our remote monitoring and control boards have a rich user interface that allows great control of gathering data, and controlling equipment. There may be times, however, when custom applications go beyond what the built-in user interface can provide. Let EtherTek Circuits custom design monitoring software solutions for you. We have designed custom software and dashboards for many of our clients. Some custom programming solutions we have provided include: external temperature sensors, flow meters, irrigation control, data logging to a USB flash stick, and generator control modules.
Contact us for a consultation on your custom monitoring needs.

Remote Voltage Monitoring
Isolated voltage inputs with a range of +/- 100vdc. Each ADC channel is 24 bit with amazing accuracy.
Ultra low power
Using power in sips, not gulps. Our remote monitoring systems are perfect for any solar or wind powered remote site.
Built in Graphs
Data retention of 10 years! On-Board Graphs can be viewed by day, week, month, 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years. No need for external server.
Survives Harsh Environments
Rugged design. All parts are rated for -40c to +85c. Our remote monitoring systems are used in the harshest environments on the planet.
A Programmers Dream
Standard programming languages include PHP, Perl, Python, Lua, and Bash. Make your own custom monitoring programs.
Super Smart
Our Remote Monitoring Systems run the Linux OS for versatility, stability, and security. Get the situational awareness you need!
Email Alerts
Receive custom email alerts on your computer or phone when your battery bank is low or when an alarm is tripped.
Easy To Use Web Interface
Easy to use, feature rich HTML5 web interface. Get up and running in minutes.
It's as easy as 1 - 2 - 3!
Power Up
Attach Sensors
View Web Data
Some of the many Testimonials About Our Products
Hello, I work for a company named Central Coast Communications Society in Bella Coola, BC. I have been using your RMS boards for about 2 years now and am very pleased with them. We have 1 in a mountain top repeater that is 6600 ft in elevation in an extreme environment and it has never failed me. I have 2 others as well in operation and again I have never had a problem with them. I am writing this email to commend you on your products and how well they work and last. Thank you!
James Hindley
This morning I got an alert from my RMS-100 that the batteries at one of my solar sites was low. Due to weeks of bad weather, the solar array simply could not keep up. I made a quick trip to the site with a portable generator to top up the batteries before the voltage got so low as to cause damage. I think about the wear-and-tear this saves my batteries. By monitoring my battery voltages I can avoid low voltage conditions, which extends the life of my batteries and saves me money!
Ben Peach - ARRIS
John from Artemus Engineering here, The RMS unit has been installed with the ethernet connected to a wireless bridge. All systems are go, the RMS works great, x-referencing shows accurate voltage & temperature measurement. I especially like the relay and I/O features. I access the unit via VPN from various locations to check on my system status, sure beats clip board & pencil (or asking for a reading). Thanks again for the help and I really like the product, top notch!
John Scura
We have our RMS in a large aluminum enclosure with the batteries, a solar charge controller, shunts, etc. We have our generator with a fuel shutoff solenoid in a separate aluminum enclosure. We start our generator with our RMS board. The fuel solenoid is wired to a 12v dc power supply board which is connected directly to the 12v output of the generator. We monitor the 12v output at that point on VM6 of the RMS to determine if the generator started. Works great!.
John Merrill - Gateway Controls Inc.
Lytton Area Wireless Society operates several remote repeaters in the Lytton, BC area One of the repeaters is located on a mountain-top at approximately 6,500 feet where access is nearly impossible for weeks at a time in the winter. After searching the world over we found your website and purchased three RMS1 boards in 2007. We have been really pleased with the performance and practicality!
Dan Mundall - P.Eng. Network Development
Thank you for the reply, Dan, I have an RMS-200. By the way I have used that RMS for probably 10 years maybe longer. It is bulletproof!
Norm Young
I'm the guy who called from Washington State with the SRMS board we've had running for 20 years. It turned out that the field crew had set a couple of switches in the wrong position at that tower site and when they set things right, the SRMS started pinging again. I'm reminded of the Guy Clark song "Stuff that Works". In this world of cheap goods and frequent failures, it is a true pleasure to come across a quality product that lasts. So my spare remains unused and the old-timer is still doing the job. Thanks so much.
Jeff Hardy -
Jump Start Your Remote Monitoring Project Now!
Our Story
EtherTek Circuits started its business in 2001. Ever since we have provided remote monitoring and control solutions for Remote Tower Sites, the Oil & Gas industry, Telemetry systems for Agriculture, Municipalities, Mines, Solar Farms, Hydro Plants, and the Military.